Friday, March 5, 2010

"Great Expectations" proven Wrong

This picture shows a major point in the book, that there are two sides to every coin. When Pip envisioned London, all he thought of was the grandeur and the magnificence of it all, only to be disgusted by the slums and less desirable parts of the city when he arrives. "You may get cheated, robbed, and murdered in London. But there are plenty of people anywhere who'll do that for you." (169-170) For Pip this is a wake up call, not all things in life are pure and simple. Every good has its exact parallel evil, where there is the wealthy there is the poor, that's just the way of life. He finds that things aren't black and white,such as Wemmick. He isn't the most moral man alive yet, he's still a decent person. Pip begins to realize that things are rarely as we "expect" them to be, whether for better or for worse, ones "great expectations' are rarely proven true.

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